Saturday, September 11, 2010

It's the Bipper's Birthday

My Mr. Bipper is 5 today:
a whole handful.

This boy is one of the biggest joys of my life.

He's a little crazy.

and a LOT silly.

He loves to go to the lake

and ride his bike.

one of my favorite quotes??
"Mom...I just loooove doing school..."

He's a SUPER big brother.

Did I mention he's a lot of silly????

I did mention he's silly, right?
I just wanted to be sure.

Best of all, though?
This boy,
this fourth son,
fifth child...
is ours.


  1. HAPPY HAPPY birthday Bipper!!!!! Have a super fun day! Wow! Five years old!


  2. Happy birthday to this cutie pie!! His smile is contagious...his energy and happiness of visible...what a blessing you have!! Hope his day is GREAT!!


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